Monday, February 6, 2012

Can you smell it?

Yes, the smell of peanuts and the sound of its crunch underneath your feet. The smell of the fresh air and sunshine that take over your entire being. The smell of the hot dogs, beers, popcorn, and sunscreen. If you weren't smelling it before, you're smelling it now.

But can you see it? The grounds crew pulling out the rakes and hose to prepare for the game. The mobs of fans assembling at the baselines for an autograph, picture, or a mere glimpse of their favorite player. The vendors walking up and down the aisles with food and beverages, yelling loud enough for the folks in left field to hear. The players lining up for the National Anthem. The players taking the field for the first inning of 2012 baseball. The first pitch. The first strike. The first ball. The first hit, out, home run. Baseball is here.

(Reuters Pictures)

I was on Twitter during the entire duration of the Super Bowl. The final throw was a Tom Brady Hail Mary to the endzone. When no Patriot came up with the ball, the NFL season was officially over. The New York Giants were crowned champs and the entire east coast exploded with happiness and misery. What I saw on Twitter was equivalent to New Year's Eve.

"10.....9.....8....7...6...5...4...3...2....1......HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!"

Replace the number countdown with Brady's pass and the "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!" with "BASEBALL IS OFFICIALLY HERE!" and then you get a taste of what my timeline looked like last night.

We're all on the same page. We're all fans of different teams. Some of us support the designated hitter, some of us think it's ridiculous. Some are excited about the prospect of two wild card teams, some think it takes away from the game. We all have different opinions, but we forget about it when we're all rejoicing over the return of baseball season.

The first team to report is the Seattle Mariners on February 11. Yes, our
first sight of baseball is in FIVE days. 5. Then in two weeks, they'll all be there. All 30 teams will be welcoming ballplayers from all over, some proven and some looking for their shot at the show.

If you're reading this, it means you are as excited about the start of baseball as I am. Whether you play it or watch it, we can all agree that it is the greatest game on earth. Its offseason is the most painful, right in the dead of winter. But then spring training begins, and every team has the same record. There is renewed hope for players, teams, and fans alike. 2012: We're ready for you.

1 comment:

  1. Howdy, 
    I'm a Braves & Orioles fanatic from Oklahoma, which is an awful state for baseball fans. It's kinda sad, seeing as we grew some of the best baseball talent in the history of the game. I'm pretty jealous that you guys got Prince.

    Never met a baseball fan that didn't enjoy this

    Shaeffer (@LesterHoffa) 
